f:1!2+3+4/!Node %i/%i marked down, too many connects (%i)!5678wrong zone: %s9#LogLevel must be 1-5 - %s is wrongwrong port: %swrong port: %sCARRIER cannot be: %skeycallFormula 1 Pref error: %sFolder '%s' does not exists!9 Formula 1 may fail to execute properly because of this!/!Node %i/%i marked down, too many attempts (%i)!Init Error: no Ok+Nothing to send to node %s!Connection attempt aborted#Modem hang up:No outgoing file requests:File Request:End of file requests*File Requests refused* Address %s Using %s %sIntro: *Remote didn't respond*Lost Carrier*Password-protected session+!Password Error from %s: His='%s' Ours='%s'!Called %s and got %s :WaZOO - *End of WaZOO Session Sending Mail PacketOpen User selected Skip File %s truncated+Dupe file renamed: %s User Escape Too many errors File %s deleted Transfer cancelled!nu: %s!Serial Driver Error %dCannot re-open logfile!HangUp error, no OK#Serial speed adjusted:Starting Event %d#11#nu#nu!Date problem?!ZHeader ErrorXModem
Sent/Ack'dXModem **Overdrive**#Setting baud to %u*Remote UsesversionProgram0*Sending mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback*Refusing file requests!Other end is sleeping.#*End of FTS-0001 compatible session2*Receiving mail using FTS-0001 compatible fallback*Giving mail to %s*Node %s refused to pickup mail!Out of memory errorOutboundFile Attaches*Making file requestEnd of*Receiving inbound mail&*Pickup is turned off - refusing mail.InboundMail Packet!Password Error#!Mail Packet '%s' cannot be renamed!Mail Packet renamed to '%s'1213*Processing node %s -- %s!Couldn't find Address: %s!14!No BOSS in the nodelist!Unable to open %s!15!16!17!18File Requests:%d matching files sent*!Bad Bark Request Data - streaming garbage!Bad crc - trying again!System misconfigured Event %d - Waiting:Incoming call, dial abortedDynamic Event:Exit requested from usernuRec'dZModem call on %s at %u baudnunununu:19:20nunununununununununununu2122 InitWaitingDialingHangUp Connect:Dialing %s1Ending time wraps through midnight - not allowed'%s' has an invalid START-TIME'%s' has an invalid END-TIME232425"'%s' has something indecipherable26Nothing to send27!Insufficient data for session+End of connection attempt!Still have mail for %s:28:29:30:31#32Setting to initial speed of baud.35363738Initializing System3940414243444546474849Node: %s$!Password override for outgoing call5051 Formula 1 now communicating at 5253545556575859606162Done6364656667686970717273747576Are you sure (Y/N)?YesNo7778798081!noise!No Send - Remote Hung Up"+Corrected %d errors in %ld blocks+Sent+Synchronizing to Offset %ld0!Temporary receive file '%s' could not be opened+Already have %s+Synchronizing to End of File+Synchronizing to Offset %ld +Received&!Original name of %s could not be used!!EOT not expected until block %ld*Remote SystemUNKNOWN - FTS-0001 Mailer%System Initializing. Please wait...Unrecognized option: %s%s+Remote refused %s!ErrorCan't(+CPS: %lu (%lu bytes) Efficiency: %lu%%Compressed Mail Net File ElapsedTrouble?Resending from %sSend %ld blks of %s (%ld bytes)UpdateFileRequest
:Executing!!Carrier lost, request(s) aborted!File Request limit exceeded!!Event Overrun - requests aborted!No AVAIL list!No ABOUT file!OKFILE Error `%s''!Request password error: '%s' '%s' '%s'&Rcv %ld blks of %s from %s (%ld bytes)TimeoutChecksumCRC Bad Blockon blockFindReadSeekShort BlockCloseUnlinkWriteSKIP command received909193949596979899100101102103104Press RETURN to continue...105106NoiseLong pkt!Ignoring `%s'
!Disk Full Receiving!Zmodem Init Problem %sbad position!Zmodem Recv Problem %sBad packet at %ldSendRecv!Other end died!Dropping to one-way xfer+Refusing %s!Unknown packet type %d!Session aborted#Sending %s!Can't decode file length*Finished partial file %s*Saving partial file %s"*Remote can't handle file requests107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134!Couldn't initialize serial port. +Check the configuration or the modem cable. 135136 Other node sending to %s137138139!!Exceeded file request byte limit140141$ Modem protocol negotiation filtered142143Unread Netmail Pending(*Session with %s Time: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld!!Exceeded file request time limit'%s' has a bad Queue Size code5Unable to allocate space for event records, exiting!+begin, %s %s+end, %s %s Poll a Node Poll: .!No common WaZOO protocol, attempting FTS-0001 RELEASE 1